8.20.2020 |
WSC School Start Information
As we approach the long-awaited return to school on August 24th, Dr. Miller has some general information and reminders you will find helpful.
8.06 |
WSC Preparation for the August 24 School Start
In support of and following recommendations for North Dakota’s “smart restart” return to general operations, WSC wants to remind all faculty, staff, and students of the upcoming COVID-19 testing events scheduled to be held in Williston throughout the month of August:
7.29.2020 |
Smart Restart COVID Testing for College Students and Community Members
As part of the Smart Restart plan for colleges and universities, the Upper Missouri District Health Unit (UMDHU) is sponsoring free COVID-19 "drive thru" testing events scheduled throughout the month of August in Williston:
7.24.2020 |
WSC Opening Day - August 24th
The following is an update from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller, on WSC's response to the coronavirus (COVID-19):WSC will require face coverings in all classrooms, common areas, gatherings, and office spaces, except where social distancing (separation of 6 feet or more) is possible.
5.18.2020 |
WSC to reopen after Memorial Day
In support of and following recommendations for North Dakota's "smart restart" return to general operations, WSC staff members will return to campus for work beginning Tuesday, May 26th. Students and visitors are encouraged to contact WSC and TrainND Northwest by phone or email to set up campus and training appointments.
5.4.2020 |
Restricted access continues at WSC, plans to reopen begin
In support of and following recommendations for North Dakota's "smart restart" return to general operations, WSC will continue to restrict access to its buildings and facilities but will begin a phased return of support staff to campus over the next two to three weeks.
4.2.2020 |
Restricted access continues at WSC
In support of and following social distancing recommendations to help slow the spread of COVID-19, WSC will continue to restrict access to its buildings and facilities through Friday, May 1, 2020. Existing guidelines allow WSC employees to continue their work remotely from home, while employees considered "operationally essential" and contractors will continue working on campus. TrainND-Northwest personnel are delivering the bulk of their safety training to trainees via distance learning.
3.26.2020 |
WSC and COVID-19
The WSC Bookstore will reopen on Monday, April 6 but by appointment only. The bookstore has made arrangements with its cap and gown vendor, Balfour, to coordinate returns, refunds, and order cancellations. WSC's workforce training campus, TrainND Northwest, now has online course options available for the ONE BASIN-One Way! program, H2S, and the XTO High Risk Orientation. WSC, along with its North Dakota University System partners and the State Board of Higher Education, is still working on a refund policy for room and board. More information will be published as a plan is approved for each campus.
3.24.2020 |
WSC cancels Commencement activities
Due to the continuing need to practice personal and social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19, Williston State College is canceling all commencement and honors activities scheduled for the week of May 11-15. In the coming weeks, faculty and staff will be working on a virtual recognition program to honor graduates. WSC, along with its North Dakota University System partners and the State Board of Higher Education, is also currently working on a refund policy for room and board. More information will be published as a plan is approved for each campus.
3.21.2020 |
WSC to transition online for remainder of Spring 2020
Effective immediately, WSC courses will be delivered online for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester. Classes will resume online as scheduled on Monday, March 23 and continue in an online format for the remainder of the semester. If there are exceptions, faculty will communicate these with students, keeping the safety of all our number one priority. Additional details related to the completion of the Spring 2020 semester continue to be developed and will be communicated in the coming days. WSC housing will be in contact with all residents with information related to housing and dining, the retrieval of items, and the move-out process.
3.20.2020 |
WSC and COVID-19 update
From Monday, March 23 through April 3, no face-to-face academic courses or scheduled training at TrainND Northwest will be conducted on the WSC and TrainND Northwest campuses. During this time, only employees considered "operationally essential" will report to campus for work. All other employees will work remotely off-campus. This applies to both the WSC and TrainND Northwest campuses.
3.19.2020 |
TrainND Northwest and COVID-19
At this time and until otherwise notified, TrainND Northwest will continue with ALL trainings as scheduled including well control training provided by Vorenkamp Well Control Training. Class sizes will be limited to 10 people and our instructors have been asked to help facilitate a 6-foot space bubble with students in class. TrainND Northwest is committed to the safety of our community
3.18.2020 |
WSC and COVID-19 update
WSC will remain open but effective Wednesday, March 18 through Friday, April 3, only employees considered "operationally essential" will report in person. All other staff will work remotely off campus. Classes will still resume in an online environment for 2 weeks (March 23-April 3). As always, WSC is committed to the safety of our community.
3.12.2020 |
WSC and COVID-19
In response to COVID-19, WSC will shift most face-to-face on-campus classes to remote instruction for 2 weeks (March 23 - April 3) following spring break. At this time, WSC will remain open and all other campus facilities will continue to operate. WSC is committed to the safety of our community.