WSC and COVID-19 Update March 18 | Williston State College

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WSC and COVID-19 Update March 18

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WSC and COVID-19 Update March 18

Posted: Mar 18 2020

WILLISTON, N.D. - The following is an update from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller, on WSC's response to the coronavirus (COVID-19):

Dear Campus Community:  

The following operational adjustments will take place at WSC as a result of COVID-19: 

  1. At this time, effective Wednesday, March 18 through April 3, only employees considered "operationally essential" will report to campus for work. All other employees will work remotely off-campus.
  2. Faculty will continue to work and deliver coursework as previously outlined with their respective departments; however, no classes or gatherings that violate the 10-person rule will be held at WSC. Faculty members must factor this guideline into their proposed course delivery methods beginning March 23 if planning face-to-face labs or classes. 
  3. In accordance with NJCAA directions, all spring sports are cancelled, including practices and games.  
  4. Teton Athletics' Casino Night, previously scheduled for March 28, has been postponed and will be rescheduled. All outside events scheduled to be held on WSC's campus have been canceled, including Marketplace for Kids. Our decision surrounding Commencement is still under discussion.   
  5. At this time until April 15, all WSC employees should cancel off-campus and out-of-town meeting appearances and activities related to their positions at WSC. This includes coaches' and recruiting activities, as well as hosting students or student groups on campus. 
  6. For students, faculty, and staff that have traveled out of state during spring break, I ask that you consider imposing a self-quarantine for 14 days before physically returning to campus in order to protect coworkers and students.

WSC is not closing campus. The actions we have taken over the last week will lead to some reduced operations and many on-going questions, but WSC will continue to provide educational access and opportunities for our students and stakeholders.

I ask for your patience and cooperation as we work through these truly unprecedented times.  

John Miller, Ed.D.
President Williston State College

WSC encourages the community to monitor the WSC Facebook page (@willistonstate) and dedicated website page for updates.  

For more information on this message, please contact:  

Dr. John Miller, President | 701.774.4231 or
Kimberli Wray, VP for Academic Affairs | 701.774.4500 or
Kaylyn Bondy, VP for Student Affairs | 701.774.4585 or
Michelle Remus, HR Director | 701.774.4204 or

For more information, please visit, call 701.774.4200, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND. 

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