The request for accommodation and the provision of the accommodation must be appropriate and timely. The Accessibility Support Services office will address requests for accommodations in a timely manner, but the institution cannot guarantee the availability of appropriate accommodations without ample lead time to make preparations and/or investigate resources.
For specialized services, such as sign language interpreting and/or captioning, the request must be made via telephone, e-mail, or in person, at least 90 days in advance of date of service. The Accessibility Support Services office requires four to six weeks advance notice to process textbooks in an alternate format.
Access to Accommodations
Accommodation might include: class notes, preferential seating, enlarging of printed text, removal of physical barriers. To learn more, contact Accessibility Support.
Documentation Guidelines
WSC Accessibility Support Services looks to the
Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) for direction regarding disability eligibility. This includes who is entitled to accommodations, how those determinations are made, and by whom. The AHEAD guidance interprets the Amendments to the ADA, with the stated purpose "to make it easier for people with disabilities to obtain protection under the ADA."
Documentation to support a request for classroom accommodations may take a variety of forms, formal and informal. It is part of an interactive, deliberative process to gather evidence to establish disability and identify barriers to learning with connection to the disability. It may include, but not be limited to, student self-report, history of having used accommodations, observation and interaction with Accessibility Support Services professionals and records from medical and educational professionals.
Federal legislation acknowledges that post-secondary institutions may request a reasonable level of documentation to support specific accommodation requests without requiring extensive evidence from medical/psychological professionals. The goal of documentation is to support a student's request for a specific accommodation in cases where other attempts to find evidence of disability fails to show connection between disability and the accommodation.