TrainND Northwest and COVID-19 | Williston State College

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TrainND Northwest and COVID-19

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TrainND Northwest and COVID-19

Posted: Mar 19 2020

WILLISTON, N.D. - The following is a message from TrainND Northwest's, Kenley Nebeker, on TrainND Northwest's response to the coronavirus (COVID-19):

To the TrainND Northwest Community:  

TrainND Northwest would like to provide you with an update on our response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Under the direction of Williston State College (WSC) leadership and the North Dakota University System (NDUS), TrainND Northwest has been closely monitoring the data related to COVID-19 and is dedicated to the safety of our customers and staff.  

At this time and until otherwise notified, TrainND Northwest will continue with ALL trainings as scheduled including well control training provided by Vorenkamp Well Control Training.  

Following the recommended guidelines from the CDC, we will be limiting class sizes to a maximum of 10 people. Our instructors have been asked to help facilitate a 6-foot space bubble with all students in class as recommended by the CDC.   

TrainND Northwest has taken steps internally to mitigate risk.  

To help further protect our customers and staff, we are asking for your help:

  • If you are not feeling well or if you have recently traveled to a CDC Level 3 designated country, please stay home.
  • Following all hygiene recommendations including:
    • Washing hands for 20 seconds with soap and hot water
    • Sneezing and coughing into your elbow
    • Using hand sanitizer that is over 60% alcohol
  • If a student exhibits signs of illness during a class or visit to TrainND Northwest, they will be asked to leave the premises.
  • If you are sick and scheduled for a training at TrainND Northwest, please contact us to reschedule. We will work with you to reschedule if necessary, so please contact us before the start of class.

Working together, we can help slow the spread of this virus.  

*Additionally, we will not be performing Fit Testing for the next 3 weeks.   

We will continue to follow all government and health departments' guidance and will communicate any operational changes as they arise.  

Kenley Nebeker
Regional Director of Technical Programs and Training
TrainND Northwest
Williston State College    

TrainND Northwest encourages the community to monitor the TrainND Northwest Facebook page (@trainndnorthwest) and website for updates.  

For more information on this message, please contact:  

Kenley Nebeker, Regional Director of Technical Programs & Training | 701.713.3780 or

For more information, please visit, call 701.572.2835, or stop by 415 22nd Ave NE Williston, ND 58801. 

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