WSC Preparation for the August 24 School Start
Posted: Aug 06 2020
The following is a message from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller:
Dear Campus Community:
In support of and following recommendations for North Dakota’s “smart restart” return to general operations, WSC wants to remind all faculty, staff, and students of the upcoming COVID-19 testing events scheduled to be held in Williston throughout the month of August:
August 10th 4:00 – 7:00 Williston High School (static community event)
August 17th 4:00 – 7:00 Williston High School (static community event)
August 23rd 1:00 – 3:00 Williston State College (campus testing)
August 24th 4:00 – 7:00 Williston High School (static community event)
WSC encourages all faculty, staff, and students to be tested for COVID-19 as close to their date of return to campus as possible. These tests are free and only require you provide some general demographic information, as well as a little of your time to attend the Williston drive-thru testing events.
In addition, your home communities are also scheduling similar testing events in the next several weeks and you are welcome to receive a COVID-19 test in your hometown before you return to campus.
We will resume on-campus “face-to-face” educational delivery and activities starting August 24th. As we work to minimize the transmission of COVID-19, we also reaffirm the college’s commitment to our core missions of teaching and learning.
As always, I thank you for your continuing patience and cooperation. The Teton Community is strong and resilient, and I know we will all make it through this time together.
Be smart, be safe, and stay healthy!
John Miller, Ed.D.
Williston State College