WSC's Staff Senate shall be the representative body of staff to serve the following objectives and purposes:
- To foster a spirit of unity and cooperation as a participant along with the Faculty Senate and Student Senate in College governance.
- To serve as an active communication link for meaningful information exchange between staff and administration relative to issues of mutual concern.
- To provide open meetings to express, propose, represent, investigate, and debate issues. The Staff Senate, acting as an official and responsible voice in College governance, will recommend action on issues that receive majority approval of the senators.
- To advise the President on working conditions and employment practices, including recognition, compensation, and other pertinent issues.
- To promote awareness of opportunities and encourage staff involvement in the activities and operation of the College.
Jenae Hunter, President (Office of the President)
LeeAnn Clark, Vice President (Student Affairs)
VACANT, Recorder/Senator (Admissions)
Carol Campbell, Senator (Business Office)
Keith Rath, Senator (Adult Learning Center)
Jared Ward, Senator (Athletics)
Alex Herman, Senator (Athletics)
VACANT, Senator (IT)
VACANT, Senator (Campus Services)
Joseph Campbell, Senator (TrainND NW)
Non-voting members
Alex Sims, Student President (Student Body)
Lynne Raymond (Faculty Representative)
AY 2022-2023
August 16, 2022
September 15, 2022
October 24, 2022
November 17, 2022
January 24, 2023
February 16, 2023
March 16, 2023 (will be posted upon approval)
If interested in requesting past meeting minutes, please contact the Staff Senate President.