Referrals | Williston State College

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Referral to WSC Counseling is appropriate whenever there are concerns about a student's behavior, especially when a student appears to be experiencing personal discomfort or difficulty in coping that interferes with their daily functioning. Prior to making a referral staff/faculty can contact WSC Counseling directly to consult regarding any concerns they may have. 

Referrals can be made either online or by contacting WSC Counseling at 701.774.4212 or at

Students can experience emotional distress, behavioral stress, or both for many different reasons. Sources of distress can be mental health issues, relationship concerns, frustration, loneliness, feeling overwhelmed, conflict, illness, or injury.

How to Help

Call WSC Counseling for consultation whenever a student appears to be experiencing challenges that do not seem to be resolving. WSC Counseling can be helpful in assisting staff and faculty with the best way to approach students who are in distress.

One way of introducing a counseling referral to a student is to summarize to him/her what behaviors are of concern. Once a student is aware of WSC Counseling, different possible steps can be taken, depending on the student’s attitude and the urgency of the situation:
  • Give the student information about WSC Counseling and urge him or her to stop by to complete intake paperwork.
  • Offer to call WSC Counseling together for more specific information about scheduling.
  • Accompany the student to WSC Counseling to provide the necessary information and/or schedule.
When possible, call ahead to inform WSC Counseling you are bringing a student. In speaking to a student about counseling, it is important to keep in mind some students may respond negatively to the idea of counseling. Reassure the student that many people seek counseling to help them manage and respond to daily life events. WSC Counseling provides a chance to explore feelings and solve problems with the help of an objective, sensitive, and concerned listener within a safe, confidential setting.

Unless there is a serious or immediate concern about the welfare and safety of a student or others, it should be a student’s decision to seek counseling. Coercing a student to go to counseling is not likely to have positive results; it is better to try to maintain your relationship with a student rather than to force him or her to seek WSC Counseling.

After a referral is made, an appointment will be scheduled for an initial consultation. This will usually be held within a few days from the time a student makes contact, depending on the student’s schedule. In an emergency, arrangements will be made to see the student on the same day. Initial consultations or intakes are used to assess the situation and to determine what services would be most helpful.

First call 911 and then notify Security and WSC Counseling.


Stevens Hall, 130
p. 701.774.4212
f. 701.774.4211
Williston State College Teton Mascot where the people make the difference