Young audience needed at Williston State College
Posted: Jan 20 2015
Williston, ND - Williston State College's Oral Interpretation class is requesting young participants who range in age from Kindergarten to 6th grade. A majority of the 11 students taking this class are Elementary Education and Communication majors trying to practice their communication skills on an authentic audience.
Activities have been planned for two age groups: K-3 and 4-6th grade levels. Oral Interpretation students are hoping for a realistic response to their studied approaches from these children. The Oral Interpretation class meets in room 106 in Stevens Hall at Williston State College from 2-5 pm. Children are invited to join on the dates below:
Monday, January 26
Monday, February 2
Monday, February 9
Wednesday, February 18
Friday, February 20
Friday, February 27
Monday, March 2
Wednesday, March 25
Monday, March 30
Monday, April 20
Wednesday, April 22
Friday, May 1
Monday, May 4
For more information or inquiries about the Oral Interpretation class, please contact:
Kim Weismann
The Arts and Human Sciences Department Chair,
Associate Professor of Communication,
SLPA Site Program Coordinator |
701.774.4503 | 1.888.863.9455 ext. 4503
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