WSC's Diesel Transportation Receives Donation | Williston State College

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WSC's Diesel Transportation Receives Donation

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WSC's Diesel Transportation Receives Donation

Posted: Sep 28 2016

WILLISTON, N.D. -Caterpillar and Williston's Tractor and Equipment dealership each awarded WSC's Diesel Transportation program $2,500 for a total of $5,000 as part of their match grant Dealer Excellence Fund award.  

T & E and CAT representatives presented the award on Friday, August 9, at WSC to Nate Williamson and Clayton Sponable, current and past Diesel Technology Instructors at WSC.  

The Caterpillar/T & E funds will be used to supplement WSCF tool scholarships or to purchase equipment or supplies. Pam Rasmussen, TREND Grant Director, stated, "WSC appreciates this generous award.  WSC's CTE programs are funded mainly by a DOL TAACCCT grant through the Training for Regional Energy in North Dakota (TREND) consortium. Partnerships with industry and the generosity of businesses like Caterpillar and T & E to supplement grant funding remains key to sustaining WSC's CTE programs."

New Diesel Technology Instructor, Nathan Williamson
What brought you to Williston? I was born here. Williston is where my family is at, so it seemed fit to move back after the Navy.

Where did you grow up? I grew up outside Bismarck. Graduated from Century.|

What experience do you have? 14 years as a heavy machinery mechanic. The last three years of my Navy Career I was an instructor for basic and advanced diesel mechanics.

Why did the WSC job interest you? I enjoy teaching. It's a good feeling passing on my knowledge and watching people make something of it. When I found out about this opening, I had to take it.

What are you enjoying about this job? Students are great. I enjoy this type of atmosphere. I teach two classes a day- 12 students in the morning and 16 in the afternoon.

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