WSC unveils new college logo | Williston State College

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WSC unveils new college logo

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WSC unveils new college logo

Posted: Apr 06 2011

Williston, ND - April 6, 2011 - Williston State College unveiled a new college logo in a community celebration on April 5. The new branding effort is the culmination of a committee process developed this year with representation from faculty, staff, students, and the community. Williston Mayor Ward Koeser addressed the audience and emphasized the growth and changes that have taken place within the Williston community and on the WSC campus.

"Our community is passionate about WSC," stated Director of College Relations, Roxane Molinari. "We sought outside perspective and creative design from an ad agency.  The agency did a great job in getting input from our representative groups which resulted in very strong support for the final logo design."

Molinari noted the major launch for the use of the logo is targeted for July 1 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of WSC as well as the dedication of the new plaza. Also on the horizon for the summer is the opening of a new residence hall and the Career and Technical Education Center.

"Williston State College is evolving as a college, with many exciting opportunities and possibilities," added Molinari. "This logo embodies our identity now and for years to come as we move forward into the future. This logo has the staying power we need."

The committees were united in directing the logo design to represent Williston State's value of personal and professional growth, its commitment to empowerment from a strong and solid base, maintaining a collegiate perspective, and looking toward expanding horizons.

WSC President Ray Nadolny stressed, "The new logo becomes part of our college's branded identity. It represents a promise, creates awareness, and evokes emotion. Thank you to our outstanding alumni, students, faculty, staff and community members for their input and endorsement of this new identity."

For more information contact Roxane Molinari, Director of College Relations, at 774.4222.


Williston State College Teton Mascot where the people make the difference