WSC to Add Trap Shooting League as a Competitive Sport in Fall 2022 | Williston State College

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WSC to Add Trap Shooting League as a Competitive Sport in Fall 2022

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WSC to Add Trap Shooting League as a Competitive Sport in Fall 2022

Posted: Jan 03 2022

WILLISTON, N.D. – Williston State College leadership has been in discussions and is pleased to announce plans to add ‘Clay Target Shooting’ as a competitive sport for the Fall semester, 2022. The intent is to add the sport as a co-ed sport.

Currently, Williston High School (WHS) has the largest Clay Target Shooting program in the country, with nearly 200 students competing. The size and success of the program, currently led by Coach Penny Slagle, is a natural fit for the college to add as a sport at this time.   

The WHS team is part of the North Dakota Clay Target Shooting League and the USA Clay Target League. WSC plans to join these two organizations. WSC is also in talks with the Mondak Conference, which is considering adding it as a competitive sport.

In terms of facilities, WSC intends to partner with Williston High School for this sport. This will allow for a seamless transition from the High School to the College Program.

If you or anyone you know is interested in more information about the new Clay Target Shooting program at Williston State College, please contact the Office of the President at Williston State College by calling 701.774.4231 or by email at

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