WSC releases enrollment numbers for Fall 2010 semester | Williston State College

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WSC releases enrollment numbers for Fall 2010 semester

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WSC releases enrollment numbers for Fall 2010 semester

Posted: Sep 21 2010
WILLISTON, N.D. - Williston State College released its enrollment numbers for the Fall 2010 semester on Tuesday and according to Lacey Madison, director for administration and records, the numbers are running close to where they were last year.

The college has a total headcount of 932 students this semester, with 622 students in its freshman class, and 310 sophomores. There are 391 full-time students and 541 part-time students, taking a total of 8544.5 credit hours. To be a full-time student, they must be taking at least 12 credits per semester.

With just 672 students registered on Aug. 23, the opening day of the semester, there was some concern about this semester's numbers. However, Madison said that once the dual credit students were enrolled as well as some students who registered late, the number came close to last year. "Despite some worries early on, I am happy to report that our enrollment is very close to the enrollment for last fall," Madison said. "Last fall the enrollment was 949, which includes all students - both on and off campus and dual credit," she said.

Dual credit students take classes and receive both high school and college credit. "They can either take it on campus, online, or at the high school as long as it is approved by both the high school and college," Madison said.

This semester, there are 252 dual credit students, representing 18 high schools. Last year there were 220 dual credit students from 16 different high schools. "We've seen an increase in the number of dual credit students because sophomores can now take classes for dual credit," Madison said. The increase in dual credit numbers is also credited to all the scholarship opportunities through the Williston State College Foundation.

WSC President Dr. Raymond Nadolny is also pleased with the numbers released on Tuesday. "Given our housing situation, I'm excited that we're on track with last year's numbers," he said. "With our new housing that will be available next year, I'm looking forward to new growth and am looking for a real influx of students next year."

A majority of the students (771) are from North Dakota, but there are also students from South Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, Arizona and Wyoming, as well as 14 Canadians and five from other foreign countries.

The largest numbers of students (202) are enrolled as Liberal Arts or transfer students; other departments with higher numbers include Practical Nursing with 97; ADN-RN with 44; Business Management with 26; Diesel Technology with 24; Medical Transcription with 20; and Massage Therapy with 19.

And to prove that you're never too old to continue your education, there are 49 students in the 50-64 age group and eight who are older than 65.

For more information on classes for the spring semester, contact WSC at 774-4200, or go to the website at

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