WSC announces FFA Workout Day | Williston State College

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WSC announces FFA Workout Day

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WSC announces FFA Workout Day

Posted: May 24 2011

Williston, ND - May 24, 2011 - Williston State College announces a State FFA Workout Day, Wednesday, June 1st from 9 am to noon on the college campus.

"These are not contests, but workouts to help students prepare for the state convention Career Development Events," stated Kim Murphy, WSC Agriculture Instructor.

Areas to be covered include:  agriculture mechanics, agriculture communications, farm business management, food science technology, meats evaluation and technology, small animal care, dairy foods, floriculture, job interview, and nursery/landscape.

WSC instructors, members of the community and secondary agriculture instructors have volunteered to provide workshops and share information with FFA members as the students prepare for the North Dakota FFA State Convention. This year's convention will be held on the Fargo campus of NDSU from June 6-10.

Registration for the State FFA Workout Day on the Williston State College Campus will be on the event day on the WSC campus in the Thomas Witt Leach Complex. This event is free for members of the FFA, however organizers request an RSVP to reserve space and get a head count for the provided bag lunch. RSVPs or questions may be directed to Kim Murphy at 701-774-6226 or

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