WILLISTON, N.D. - Sena Dossou-Gouhola was awarded a Certificate of Achievement from Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) March 21, 2018 after she completed the objectives for College Algebra at 90%.
Upon a student's completion of the initial assessment, ALEKS designs an individualized course shell specific to the student based on knowledge space theory, a pathway that best matches the student's learning pattern for success.
ALEKS has been used on campuses across the United Sates for over ten years.
Wanda Meyer began teaching the fall of 1982 and has been integral in incorporating ALEKS, an alternative learning technology tool, into WSC's Mathematics program.
"ALEKS was recommended to me by our federal consultant when we received the Title III grant in 2012," stated Meyer. "This program began in 2015 and has been so successful at WSC. Our students are succeeding and going into levels that they never thought they could reach. It lets each student learn at his or her own pace and avoids moving ahead if a student is not ready."
Meyer has encouraged Dossou-Gouhola to transfer over into Trigonometry with WSC's Amanda Davis. Her goals it to be enrolled in Calculus I by this summer.
Born in North Carolina, Dossou-Gouhola moved back to Africa at the age of 5. She completed her high school education in 2017 at the age of 15. Dossou-Gouhola moved to Williston to live with her uncle and pursue her Associates in Science for a pre-med program with the hopes of one day being a doctor.
"Sena is an amazing student," stated Meyer. "She took her GED this fall; I am so proud of all of her accomplishments already."
For More Information, contact Wanda Meyer, Associate Professor for Mathematics at 701.774.4556 or wanda.meyer@willistonstate.edu
For any information regarding WSC, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.