WILLISTON, N.D. - In preparation for the upcoming spring semester, Williston State College has released its Spring and Summer 2020 course schedules today Monday, November 4.
This marks the third year in a row that the spring and summer schedules have been released together.
"Releasing the spring and summer schedules together was a change made to better serve our students," explained Kim Wray, Vice President for Academic Affairs. "Having both schedules available to students allows them to better plan for graduation."
The Spring 2020 schedule offers several modalities for students to choose from, including face-to-face, online, and hybrid classes. The spring schedule will also reflect an expansion in Early Entry offerings for students at local area high schools.
The Summer 2020 class schedule is much smaller and includes mostly online course offerings.
If interested in any of these courses, please visit with your advisor.
The Spring and Summer 2020 schedules can be found online at willistonstate.edu/schedules.
If you are new to WSC and interested in taking classes without pursing a degree, please contact Enrollment Services at wsc.admission@willistonstate.edu, texting 701.595.7389, calling 701.774.4200, or visiting WSC, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For more information on the class schedules, please contact Kimberli Wray at kimberli.wray@willistonstate.edu or 701.774.4500
For more information, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 701.774.4200, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.