WILLISTON, N.D. - Williston State College's Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) has put up its annual Giving Tree for the 2018 holiday season.
Given the success of previous trees, the 2018 PTK Giving Tree now holds 100 ornaments - double from last year.
"This year, 50 ornaments are going toward Head Start and the other 50 toward Williston Wonders," explained Student Life Coordinator and Co-Advisor of PTK, Karissa Kjos. "Our PTK students pick the organizations they want to support and last year the ornaments ran out so fast we wanted to ensure we had more available!"
Head Start is a federally-funded program that provides early educational opportunities to children ages three to five who are living in poverty conditions.
"There are 4 classrooms and we are providing additional educational items the teachers put on a wish list," stated Lynne Raymond, Assistant Professor of Psychology & Related Areas & Co-Advisor of PTK.
The Williston Wonders is a community group that hosts free and low-cost sporting opportunities for people with specials needs of all ages and their families.
Their wish list contains sports items and gift cards to provide activities for children with and without disabilities. The WSC Men's and Women's Teton Basketball teams often volunteer with the Williston Wonders.
"It is important to give back all year round, but especially over the holidays," stated Kjos. "Many groups in Williston are unable to afford general supplies and activities so this is a small way for us to help them and make a big difference."
Located in the lobby outside of WSC's bookstore, the giving tree is decorated with paper ornaments that describe needed items.
All are welcome to participate.
If interested, please come and select an ornament, sign your name next to the corresponding ornament number, and go shop! Once you have the gift, please return it wrapped and with the ornament attached to the Arts & Human Sciences Department at WSC by Tuesday, December 5.
PTK students will deliver the gifts to Head Start on Friday, December 7 and the Williston Wonders Group will come to campus at 4 p.m. that day to open their gifts by the PTK Giving Tree.
For more information about WSC's PTK, please contact Lynne Raymond at 701.774.4238 or lynne.raymond@willistonstate.edu.
For more information on WSC, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.