WILLISTON, N.D. - Scholarships at WSC are in abundance as eighteen donors have contributed recently to match dollars with the North Dakota Challenge Fund before the opportunity closes on December 31, 2016.
At its June meeting, the North Dakota Challenge Fund announced a $246,330 contribution to the Williston State College Foundation. Counting private matching donations of $552,608.90, the Foundation has $1,904,942.90 pledged toward their $2 million goal.
"It is our goal to raise $2 million in donations to make sure we get all of the $1 million the challenge fund says we are eligible for," Terry Olson, WSC Foundation Executive Director, stated. "I am proud to say that, with the generosity of our community, we are just shy of $2 million with the reduction in the budget."
The Alva J. Field Trust has increased its donation to WSC's Foundation to continue the Williams County Graduate Scholarship. The Regional County Scholarship will begin this fall. The WSC Nursing Department has gained significant support beginning Fall 2016 thanks to two local donors: The Herman Family Trust and Jane Nelson. The additional donor's dollars will be put towards other scholarships for WSC students.
The Williams County Graduate Scholarship increased fall enrollment by 33% in 2015. The WSC Foundation has since extended tuition and fees scholarship to Burke, Divide, Mountrail, and McKenzie counties for 2016 graduates who start at WSC Fall 2016.
"We are preparing to continue these scholarships as along as people keep donating to the Foundation," stated Olson. "We want our community to have an opportunity for free higher education. I am proud to say we are able to do that because of this dollar match."
The WSC Foundation intends to extend regional scholarships to other local communities as long as donations continue. The WSC Foundation encourages anyone interested in donating to please contact the WSC Foundation at 701.572.9275.
For more information on WSC please visit www.willistonstate.edu call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.