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Updates to Williston State College Scholarships
Posted: Feb 18 2022
WILLISTON, N.D. – As of February 14, 2022, there have been changes made to our current scholarship opportunities at Williston State College.
Previously, the Williams County Graduate, Regional County Graduate and Academic Achievement Award scholarships each had their own terms and conditions. The three scholarships have now been condensed to the same qualifications, which are awarded to eligible high school graduates and GEDs earned within the counties identified.
Currently, WSC scholarships cover a total of 53 counties in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana.
Williston State College will now offer these scholarships to part-time degree seeking students enrolled in 1-6 credit hours. This is a realistic change that allows individuals that cannot commit full-time academically, to allow for more time to complete their degree.
“Williston State College has one of the strongest and most inclusive scholarship programs in the North Dakota University System. Scholarship dollars allow students in western North Dakota and eastern Montana to begin their academic journey at WSC in a manner that will allow little to no accumulated debt while earning their Associate degree or their degree for transfer,” remarked WSC President Dr. Bernell Hirning.
For more information about our scholarships, visit our scholarship page:
There is not an application for this scholarship. Recipients will be notified of their award status when the WSC Application for Admission is received and processed.

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