WILLISTON, N.D. - Between twenty and thirty UND Petroleum Engineering students will travel to Williston to immerse themselves in a five-day summer field session hosted by UND's Petroleum Industry Advisory Committee this May.
The UND students will stay in WSC's Frontier Hall and will take safety training classes through TrainND, tour various production sites and service companies, meet members of the TrainND Advisory Board, and travel to Tioga, Watford City and New Town. The TrainND Advisory Board will meet with the students Monday, May 16 to discuss other employment opportunities in the oil and gas industry for Petroleum Engineers.
"This is a way for the students to network with the industry and to be in the center of the Bakken play while getting some hands-on experience to understand the industry better," stated Deanette Piesik, TrainND-Northwest CEO. "Providing entry-level safety classes to these students during this summer field session will allow them access to the various company work sites during the week." UND Petroleum students will travel to Watford City, New Town, and Tioga to learn more about the oil and gas industry.
Piesik was asked to join the UND Petroleum Industry Advisory Committee this past February because of TrainND's collaboration with the local industry.
"Many of the Industry Advisory Committee members know of the great facilities that TrainND Northwest has as well as the great collaborations TrainND has with the industry," stated Piesik. "Last summer, Dr. Rasouli, Dean of the Petroleum Engineering Program, a faculty member, and three students visited TrainND. It was the perfect opportunity for them to stop by and tour the facility and talk about a partnership. I was excited and honored to have been asked."
Attending two meetings a year, Piesik will report back on how WSC's Petroleum Program is doing and will work with a few sub-committees on more focused issues.
"I hope my role will allow WSC to align the Petroleum program with UND so students can earn their first two years in Petroleum and then transfer to UND or take the UND's on-line petroleum program," stated Piesik.
As part of a few subcommittees, Piesik has already found ways that TrainND can help assist UND's program.
"One of the subcommittees that I have been appointed to is to find ways to share faculty," state Piesik. "Some of the training programs we deliver are needed at UND and we have the accredited trainers who may be able to assist UND."
For more information on the UND Petroleum Engineering Field Session, please contact Jeff Kummer at jeff@mckenzieenergypartners.com or 701.580.6501.
For more information on TrainND, call 701.572.2835, or stop by 421 22nd Ave. NE, Williston, ND.
For any information regarding WSC, please visit www.willistonstate.edu,
call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.