Tickets still available for WSC welding raffle on September 22
Posted: Sep 11 2020
As a result of COVID-19 and its impacts on the Spring 2020 semester at Williston State College, the annual Welding Raffle was moved to Tuesday, September 22, 2020.
Tickets are still available for the 12,000lb capacity 12’ by 6’4” hydraulic dump trailer.
The drawing will be held Tuesday at 12p.m. in the Western Star building (CTE) on the WSC campus. Video of the drawing will be posted to the WSC Facebook page and the winner will be notified.
Second year WSC Welding students, under the direction of WSC Welding Instructor, Tim Delorme, were nearing completion of the trailer before the semester ended.
“All parts have been fabricated and will be fastened to the trailer and the trailer will be welded out,” explained Delorme. “The new batch of second year students are finishing it up now and it probably won’t be quite done by the raffle date but, we’ll work with the winner on a timeline for pickup once it’s completed.”
WSC Welding students have built and raffled off three trailers and four smoker/grills since 2017.
In the past four years, just shy of $35,000 has been raised. Proceeds raised from the raffle go to the WSC Welding Program for materials and to cover class activities like program-related field trips.
Raffle tickets are available and are $25 each. Only 1,000 tickets are available.
If interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact Delorme at 218.556.0942. Tickets will be available until sold out or until Tuesday, September 22 prior to the drawing at 12:00 p.m.
Winners do not need to be present to win. Purchasing a ticket is not a charitable donation.
If interested in purchasing a raffle ticket or learning about the Welding Technology Program, please contact Tim Delorme, WSC Welding Instructor, at 218.556.0942 or
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