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Spring Enrollment up again at Williston State College

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Spring Enrollment up again at Williston State College

Posted: Feb 09 2016

WILLISTON, N.D. - For the second year in a row, Williston State College (WSC) has broken its spring enrollment record, based on the fourth week census totals released Tuesday, February 9, 2016.

Full-time students have increased by 21% over 2015, leading to a 14% increase of scheduled credit hours. WSC scheduled credit hours have jumped from 8,780.5 (Spring 2015) to 10,026.5 (Spring 2016). Last spring, WSC had seen only a 4.75% increase of scheduled credit hours when they set their previous spring enrollment record. 

"Last spring, WSC enrollment was at an all-time high with 1,009 students," Crystal Hotchkiss, Registrar and Research Analyst, explained. Total Spring 2016 headcount reached a new record for spring up 1.88% over 2015 with 1,028 students registered for classes.

"The vision of our Foundation is quite literally turning dreams into reality," WSC President Raymond Nadolny remarked. "The increase in the number of full-time students could be viewed as overwhelming. But when you look at the almost 10% increase in retention of full-time, first-year students from fall to spring, Williston State has facilitated student success in an extraordinary manner."

Enrollment projections for fall are also projected to be higher. The recent WSC Foundation announcement of the 2016 Regional County Scholarship on Saturday, February 6, is expected to open the doors to even more area students. 

Building on the success of the WCG Scholarship, the new Regional County Scholarship will begin Fall 2016 and is open to any 2016 graduate of a Burke, Divide, McKenzie, or Mountrail County high school. Similar to the WCG Scholarship, the Regional County Scholarship will provide free tuition and fees to eligible students for four consecutive semesters at WSC, but differs in that the Regional County Scholarship is not funded through the Alva J. Field Trust. 

Since Spring 2014, WSC full-time students increased by 21%, a reflection of both the scholarship and the area's economic downturn. 

"With our excellent faculty and staff, we are excited to continue to serve students who come from all over," Hotchkiss stated. "Though the WCG Scholarship makes up a large portion of our enrollment, WSC is a great educational resource for those people in our area who have relocated to Williston from all over the world."

For more information about Spring 2016 census, contact Crystal Hotchkiss at crystal.hotchkiss@willistonstate.edu
For any information regarding WSC, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.

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