Second WSC Student Receives [ALEKS Recognition] | Williston State College

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Second WSC Student Receives [ALEKS Recognition]

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Second WSC Student Receives [ALEKS Recognition]

Posted: Nov 21 2016

WILLISTON, N.D. - ALEKS is software that designs a course shell for students based on their initial assessment taken at the start of the course. Course shells provide each student a successful learning path with positive reinforcement along the way. Students are able to learn the material at a rate that works best for them.

Funded through the Title III Grant established in 2012, ALEKS was listed as a choice in the grant to improve the retention rate from developmental mathematics courses through college algebra.  

Emily Vigness earned her certification in College Algebra from ALEKS on Friday, November 4, 2016. Emily graduated from Williston High School in 2013.  

After graduation, she worked at WHS as a para-professional in the special education department for two years.  She enjoyed this experience, and with the free tuition scholarship opportunity, Emily decided to work on her degree.    

She started at WSC this fall.  Her goal is to complete an AA. Currently, she is thinking about the education field with a major in history.  

"Emily works hard and is a very conscientious student," stated Kim Weismann, Arts and Human Sciences Chair and Emily's mentor. "She goes out of her way to help her peers. Emily is a fantastic role model for other students at WSC."  

In the photo, she is being congratulated by Lance Olson, Math and Sciences Department Chair.   If you have any questions about ALEKS or Title III please contact Wanda Meyer Title III Project Director at 701.774.4556.

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