Record Fall Enrollment at WSC | Williston State College

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Record Fall Enrollment at WSC

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Record Fall Enrollment at WSC

Posted: Sep 19 2018

WILLISTON, N.D. - Record fall enrollment continues at Williston State College with 1,124 registered students according to census totals released Tuesday, September 18.

Of this fall's enrollees, 893 students are from North Dakota while 124 are from Montana. The remaining 107 come from several other states, Canada, and other countries.  

Headcount increased by 2.4% from Fall 2017 and the overall full-time equivalent (FTE), a calculation that shows how many students would attend if all were full-time, and total credit hours represent a WSC registration milestone. Both FTE and credit hour numbers increased 5.5%.  

Released four weeks after the first day of school, census totals demonstrate that enrollment at WSC has increased since Spring 2015 when the highest reported enrollment was 1,009 students.

The popularity of scholarships - the Williams County Graduate (WCG), the expanded Regional County, and the Academic Achievement Award (AAA) - plays an important role in the increasing WSC enrollment.  

The WSC Foundation funded over $735,000 in scholarship awards, supporting 307 Williams County, Regional, and AAA scholarship recipients who are attending WSC this fall.  

"These scholarships promote full-time enrollment and most of these students are on campus and engaged with the WSC community," explained Kaylyn Bondy, Vice President for Student Affairs. "Full-time enrollment and campus engagement are two primary factors contributing to higher retention and completion."  

Early-Entry (dual-credit) classes also continue to be a factor behind rising WSC enrollment. Though spring trends a higher number of Early-Entry students, in part due to additional Early-Entry course offerings, Early-Entry headcount for Fall 2018 is 266 students producing 991 credits.  

Enrollment continues to grow at a steady and manageable rate, allowing WSC the time and flexibility to keep pace with expanding course and program requests.  

"WSC administration and faculty are committed to building relationships with students by keeping class sizes small," said Kim Wray, Vice President for Academic Affairs. "This is accomplished through qualified adjuncts and faculty willing to teach an extra section of high-demand courses. WSC also continues to explore the addition of new programs, such as Sports and Recreation Management in the Fall of 2019."  

On-campus housing units are also at capacity.  

"WSC's fall enrollment growth is once again driven by WSC Foundation regional and county scholarships," stated Dr. John Miller, WSC President. "In addition, lower housing rates coupled with a housing incentive scholarship, tied to regional scholarships, significantly reduces the cost a regional student pays to attend WSC."  

The WSC Foundation encourages anyone interested in donating to the regional scholarship programs or the housing incentive program to contact the WSC Foundation at 701.572.9275.  

For more information on WSC's fall enrollment, please contact Dr. John Miller at   

For more information, please visit, call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.    

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