Professor Ken Quamme Retiring from Williston State College After a Most Significant Career | Williston State College

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Professor Ken Quamme Retiring from Williston State College After a Most Significant Career

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Professor Ken Quamme Retiring from Williston State College After a Most Significant Career

Posted: Jun 13 2023
WILLISTON, ND – Williston State College is announcing the retirement of Professor Ken Quamme after 37 years of devoted service to the institution, and an overall 47-year career. Professor Quamme has decided to embark on the next phase of his life.
Throughout his time at WSC, Professor Quamme has been an outstanding educator, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of hundreds of students in Western North Dakota and the region. His unwavering dedication to teaching and mentoring has influenced the educational pathways of countless students.
The fact that Professor Quamme has had the privilege of teaching the grandchildren of some of his former students is a remarkable testament of his influence. His commitment to his students and genuine interest in their lives are truly remarkable. Many alumni have frequently recounted how he has positively impacted their personal and professional growth.
While his recent years at WSC have been primarily devoted to teaching, Professor Quamme has also demonstrated his versatility and commitment to the institution by serving as an esteemed administrator. His leadership and counsel were instrumental in shaping the college’s educational programs and fostering a nurturing environment for students.
“Professor Quamme was truly a once-in-a-lifetime type of instructor for Williston State College. His passion to educate students, desire to change often when technology demanded change, quick wit, and dedication to the WSC campus for nearly 40 years was indeed special. Professor Quamme always placed his students and the college first and foremost in all he did. WSC will greatly miss him but will not forget the legacy he leaves behind,” said WSC President Dr. Bernell Hirning.
WSC has been extraordinarily fortunate to have benefited from Professor Quamme’s wealth of experience, good nature, guidance, and signature dad jokes. His departure will be deeply felt throughout the entire WSC Teton community.
As we bid Professor Quamme farewell, we express our profound appreciation for his extraordinary contributions to the college and the lives of countless students, staff, and fellow faculty. We are confident that his legacy will endure and that his teaching and mentoring will continue to influence future generations.
Please join us in wishing Professor Quamme well as he begins the new chapter of his life. We appreciate his outstanding service and wish him joy, fulfillment, and success in all his future endeavors. May his legacy of dad jokes endure in our hearts and minds.
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