New Scholarship Structure (Effective Fall Semester, 2025)!
Making the Change - Richard Stenberg
Posted: Mar 28 2013
Time at Williston State College: 19 years
Previous positions at WSC: I was a part-time/adjunct before becoming a full-time instructor.
What did you do before WSC: I was a grad student at UND.
Hometown: Watford City.
Why did you choose to move to Williston: I was contacted by a former advisor and asked to apply for a teaching position at WSC, at the time UND-W.
What is the biggest change you've seen in Williston: Lifestyle and people. We're not the retirement community we used to be; we're moving from a town to a city.
What is the biggest change you've seen at WSC: New and more buildings on campus. Not just "East Side High" anymore.
How do you relax: Yard work and reading.
What's your T.V. guilty pleasure: CSI, Hawaii-50, Criminal Minds
What's your favorite website:
What's the last thing you bought and from where: Fuel, Simonson
What restaurant or retail store would you most like to see come to Williston: Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life in Williston: Better traffic laws and stricter enforcement of those laws.
What is your top tip in dealing with change in Williston: Patience. Have patience.
What is the biggest change you see coming to WSC: The challenge of getting and retaining students in part due to day care being unavailable/unaffordable.
where the people make the difference