Making the Change - Kayla McKeil
Posted: Jan 28 2013
Making the Change, Coping and Thriving in Williston - A College Perspective
Kayla Retzer, Director for Marketing
Time at WSC: 3 years
Previous Positions at WSC: Recruiter and then Student Life
What did you do before WSC: Multiple positions at Diamond Resources
Hometown: Williston
Why did you choose to move to Williston: After college I came home to save money, moved around a bit after that, then came back because I heard about the Recruitment position at WSC.
What is the biggest change you've seen in Williston: There's a larger number of people and the population is much more diverse.
What is the biggest change you've seen at WSC: Student Life on campus has become much more visible and vibrant.
How do you relax: Spending time with family and friends
What's your T.V. guilty pleasure: Duck Dynasty
What's your favorite website: Pinterest
What is the last thing you bought and from where: Pair of Shoes, DSW Online
What restaurant or retail store would you most like to see come to Williston: Target
What single thing would improve the quality of your life: Affordable housing
What is your top tip in dealing with change in Williston: Change is good.
What is the biggest change you see coming to WSC: Increased resources for students and community alike.