Justin Maddison hired as VP for Business Services
Posted: Apr 13 2010
Williston State College is pleased to announce the addition of Justin Maddison as Vice President for Business Services.
A native of Alder, Mont., located in southwest Montana, near Bozeman, he started his new position on March 24. He is a graduate of Dickinson State University with a bachelor's degree in business administration and the University of Montana in Missoula with a master's degree in business administration.
He has recently completed an 8-year enlistment in the Army National Guard and is a member of the Williston Lions Club.
He wasn't really looking for a new job when this one came open, but he was approached by a member of the WSC administration and she mentioned the job to him. "As I started to talk to people and looked into what I'd be doing, I became interested," he said.
According to Dr. Raymond Nadolny, President of WSC, Maddison's job is the chief financial officer for the institution and his responsibilities will include running the business office, information technology and campus services.
Maddison jumped in with both feet, working on the budget for the school and the bond for the new residence hall. "So far it's been challenging, but I'm enjoying what I'm doing with the job and am enjoying my new co-workers."
"We're very excited to have someone from the community step up into a role that is typical for our college," Nadolny said. "Justin is a person we believe who can really move our college as a leader in higher education in our state."
Maddison and his wife, Patricia, who is a native of Froid, Mont., moved to Williston four years ago. She is employed as a teacher at St. Joseph's Catholic School. They have one son, James, who turned 1 year old on March 31.