WILLISTON, N.D. - Williston State College will welcome illusionist Christopher Carter to the Stevens Hall gym at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 7. The event is open to the public. WSC students will be admitted free of charge with a current student id; general admission for the public is $5.
Carter does not claim to be psychic, but rather an "incredibly skilled observer of human behavior," according to his website, www.ChristopherCarterMentalist.com. At the age of 8, while sitting with an uncle at a poker game, he began to realize that people broadcast their thoughts in ways beyond words, leading to a lifelong interest in non-verbal communication and "people reading." He has appeared on The Martin Short Show and the Donny and Marie Show. He was awarded the Entertainer of the Year award in 2005 by the Campus Activities industry.
"We are doing this as another fun event for the college students, but we like to try to invite community members to attend some of our events as well," said Kayla Retzer, WSC student life coordinator. "We figure that if we can enjoy these entertainers, it's only fair to share them with others. Plus, it seems that the more people there are in the crowd, the more the entertainer tends to feed off that and it's a better show for everyone."
She said if you've heard of Chris Angel, you know the type of things Carter does. "He does everything from sleight of hand like magicians do to mind reading and ESP, etc. - those things that you just can't quite figure out how he does them."
She firmly believes that those attending will receive a good show and not be disappointed. "I have booked many events through the agency he is with and I have no doubt that he will bring us a very high quality performance."
Carter will also have CDs for sale after the performance.
For more information about the event, contact Retzer at 774-4213.