Honoring Veterans at WSC
Posted: Nov 06 2017
WILLISTON, N.D. –WSC will be hosting events in November and December to honor its local veterans.
For its second year, WSC will be hosting Thank-A-Veteran Day, November 6, where hand-written notes thanking local veterans will be dropped off at the Veterans Service Office, Veterans Clinic, and Job Services.
“We want to be able to personally thank our veterans for their service,” explained Crystal Hotchkiss, WSC’s VA Certified Official. “We had over 200 notes last year, we hope to have even more this year.”
Saturday, November 11, not only marks Veteran’s Day but will be Teton Athletics’ Gun Raffle and Wing Cook-off at the Raymond Center after the Tetons face University of Northern Colorado at 2:30 p.m. All military families will receive free admission.
WSC's Interpersonal Communication class is interviewing local veterans and documenting their oral histories on a website the remainder of the semester. The students will host a Veterans Symposium December 4 at which veterans will receive a free chili dinner at 5:00 p.m. The class will conclude with a presentation of the oral histories at 6 p.m. The presentations are open to the public.
“We had such success last year with interviewing local veterans and documenting their stories, we decided to continue the project this year,” explained Kim Weismann, Arts and Human Sciences Department Chair.
In addition to their Veterans Symposium, Weismann’s Interpersonal Communication class will be partnering with Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), WSC’s honor society, to create a veteran’s flag honoring local veterans.
“We have close to forty students in our Interpersonal Communication class,” stated Weismann. “We will cut out fifty stars and place veterans names on them and cut out hands to represent the stripes of the flag.”
Stevens Hall will host this flag in its hallway from November 6 until WSC’s Veterans Symposium December 4th.