WSC Giving Tree Returns | Williston State College

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WSC Giving Tree Returns

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WSC Giving Tree Returns

Posted: Nov 29 2022
WILLISTON, ND- Williston State College's Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) has put up its annual Giving Tree for the 2022 holiday season.
This year, PTK students are again supporting MonDak Animal Rescue and Dakota Family Solutions. 

The MonDak Animal Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation located inside the Buck Scheele Family Animal Center. They provide a temporary safe place for animals awaiting to find their forever homes. Dakota Family Solutions is formed to address the needs of families in the Mondak area.

“The privilege of putting up this tree and providing an opportunity for the community to give back is a wonderful experience for everyone involved. We invite each of you to choose an ornament, purchase the desired product, and return those gifts to the collection boxes next to the tree. All gifts will be donated to the selected organizations during finals week,” said Associate Professor, Mathematics & Math Lab Coordinator Amanda Davis.

Located in the lobby outside of WSC’s Andrea’s Bookstore, the Giving Tree is decorated with paper ornaments that describe needed items. Items include dog and cat food for the MonDak Animal Rescue and toys and diapers for Dakota Family Solutions.

The 2022 PTK Giving Tree holds 50 ornaments.

If interested, please stop by, select an ornament, sign your name next to the corresponding ornament number, and go shop! Once you have the gift, please return it unwrapped and with the ornament attached to the gift box located next to the Giving Tree at WSC by Friday December 9. 
All are welcome to participate.

For more information about WSC's PTK, please contact Amanda Davis at 850.902.1427 or
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