WILLISTON, N.D. - Williston State College's Division of Continuing Education is pleased to announce the Fall 2010 Community Education class schedule. Class offerings cover a wide variety of topics, including computer and web training, health and wellness, finance and money, languages and art, obedience training for dog, food and entertaining, photography, first aid/CPR, as well as many online classes.
"We're trying to target people in community who want to do some form of personal enrichment or professional growth, or people who just want to have fun." said Kim Wenko, Continuing Education Specialist with TrainND. "We are trying to be very flexible when planning the classes so they are in the evenings or weekends - so that anybody who is interested can take a class without making a huge time commitment."
If you're new to the world of computers, you may want to check out the Intro to Computers class which will be taught Oct. 19 and 21 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Crighton Building Tech Room. Instructor Tony Puckett will teach the class basic computer functions, as well as learning how to add pictures to your documents, delete, cut and paste text from web pages, and create an address book.
Maybe you've been interested in the online phenomena of Facebook or Ebay but don't know where to start? On Sept. 22, you can receive an overview of Facebook, including information on how to set up an account, learning to find friends, as well as uploading photos and videos to share with your friends.
On Nov. 15 and 16, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., you can learn the ins and outs of buying and selling on Ebay for fun or profit. You will learn about setting up an Ebay account, deciding what to sell, photographing and describing your item, getting paid fast, packing and shipping, and more.
Do you have a new puppy and not sure how to start the obedience training? Puppy Obedience maybe just what you and your puppy need. The course is offered from 10:00 to 11:00 am on Saturday mornings starting Oct. 2.
If you're looking for a way to impress your family and friends, you may want to check out the Creative Cake Decorating class planned from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Oct. 26 and 28, where you'll learn basic techniques, classic borders, the classic Wilton rose and 3-dimensional figures.
"We're trying to grow and expand the program," Wenko said. "This year we offered 10 new classes, for a total of 22 classes."
Cost of the classes varies, depending on length of the class and supplies needed. "We try to keep the cost minimal," Wenko said. "Most of costs go to pay the teacher and to cover supplies. For instance, if you take the floral design class, you'll come away with a $35 centerpiece, that is part of the cost" of the class, which is $69.
To register, you simply need to fill out the form on the back of the brochure, which can be accessed via the WSC website, www.wsc.nodak.edu. Wenko emphasized that participants in the Community Education program do not receive college credit so therefore do not need to go through the college admission process. She encourages those interested to get a brochure and register as soon as possible, but at least two weeks before the class begins so that supplies can be ordered.
For more information or to register for a class or two, contact Wenko at 774-6236, or stop at the trainND office in the WSC Crighton Building, office 113, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.