WILLISTON, N.D. - Graduating from Williston High School in 2015, Kylee Shea Meyer knew attending Williston State College in the Fall was exactly what she needed to do after hearing about the Williams County Graduate (WCG) Scholarship from her mother, Wanda Meyer, WSC Associate Professor for Mathematics.
Meyer always intended on going to WSC for a year or two to save money by living at home, but with two years of her tuition, books and fees covered by the WCG Scholarship, Meyer decided two years at WSC clearly made the most sense.
"My goal is to graduate with my bachelor's degree debt-free," Meyer said. "This scholarship has helped me save money for my college education after I leave WSC. It will allowed me to complete my general education courses before I transfer to a four-year university."
"This scholarship program has been transformational for students, WSC, and our region. When you hear Kylee talk about getting her education debt free it is a testament that these students get it," said Terry Olson, Executive Director of the WSC Foundation. "I have known Kylee's mother for thirty-two years and you will not find a better teacher at any level or University than Wanda Meyer, so it is no surprise that Kylee is taking advantage of this great opportunity."
Through the partnership of Alva J. Field, the North Dakota Challenge Fund, and the Williston State College Foundation, 344 students have been awarded the WCG Scholarship as of census day, September 22, 2015.
WCG Scholarship students compose 33% of WSC's total record-breaking enrollment of 1,038 students for Fall 2015. Meyer and the additional WCG Scholarship recipients were awarded an average of $3,455 per semester with overall dollar amount awarded for the WCG Scholarship totaling $1,229,119 as of the official fall census day, September 22, 2015.
"Our board is excited about the numbers and we are looking at a way to expand this program to include neighboring counties," Olson, explained.
The WCG Scholarship will continue as long as revenue and earnings continue. Now, thanks to the North Dakota Challenge Fund, personal contributions will go even further. Dr. Raymond Nadolny, President of Williston State College asks anyone thinking of a charitable gift this season to consider this unique opportunity: "For every two dollars donated, the North Dakota Challenge Fund will contribute one dollar." For anyone interested in contributing to the WCG Scholarship please contact the Williston State College Foundation at 701.572.9275.
For more information about the Williams County Scholarship please contact WSC at 701.774.4220
For any information regarding WSC, please visit www.willistonstate.edu,
call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.