Extensive Stevens Hall renovations scheduled | Williston State College

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Extensive Stevens Hall renovations scheduled

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Extensive Stevens Hall renovations scheduled

Posted: Feb 26 2020

WILLISTON, N.D. - Beginning March 1, extensive renovations to Stevens Hall, including major American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant upgrades, are scheduled at Williston State College.

Up first is the home of WSC Music, located on the second-floor area of Stevens Hall above the Teton Lounge. Demolition work will begin over spring break and continue throughout the spring semester.  

Construction on a new ADA compliant elevator and remodeling of the Leonard P. Nelson Health and Wellness wing will begin following Commencement on May 15 and continue throughout the summer.  

All areas will be completed by the start of the Fall 2020 semester.  

In an effort to catch up on the much-need deferred maintenance updates across campus, WSC has turned to public/private partnerships, colloquially known as "P3".  

Some advantages of the P3 path include rapid disposition of deferred maintenance projects; long-term financing for projects and maintaining manageable debt levels; and drawing upon existing & defined financial resources.  

Most importantly, opting for a P3 solution does not rely on additional state appropriations. As a result, WSC has greater flexibility to approach overdue projects on a reasonable timeframe.  

A $6 million-dollar initiative, work on the P3 project commenced in early February with HVAC system upgrades and the start of lighting upgrades in Stevens Hall and exterior parking areas.  

The P3 project is directed by Johnson Controls who will work with a number of local and regional construction, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and general contractors. WSC's Campus Services and IT Departments will also play an active role in the project.  

Throughout the construction process, students, faculty, staff, and visitors can expect the Teton Lounge, adjacent hallway, and the second floor of Stevens Hall to be restricted and unavailable. Alternate access to the nursing wing prior to its remodel will be via the Well and Skadeland gymnasiums.  

Individuals on campus should also expect debris receptacles, storage containers, heavy equipment, construction vehicles, and multiple work crews on campus.  

Parking adjacent to the side of the Well will be restricted at times for staging purposes, and there will be brief, prescheduled power outages for both Stevens Hall and Frontier throughout the spring and summer as workers upgrade systems in Stevens Hall and Frontier Hall.   

Changes planned as a result of the P3 project include:

  • Energy efficient furnaces, boilers, roofs, windows, and interior and exterior lighting
  • ADA compliant elevator and restrooms
  • Updated doors and windows
  • A fire suppression system in the Teton Lounge
  • Additional and renovated classroom and office spaces
  • Music storage and soundproof practice rooms
  • IT infrastructure upgrades

"Not only will these upgrades and changes save the college thousands of dollars in energy savings and 'avoided costs' for maintenance and operations, they will also enhance learning and living spaces by making them safer, healthier, and more comfortable," explained Dr. John Miller, WSC President.

Johnson Controls along with WSC administration will make every effort to communicate interruptions in parking and service as the project progresses.  

For more information on WSC's P3 project, please contact Dr. John Miller, WSC President, at 701.774.4231 or john.s.miller@willistonstate.edu.  

For more information, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 701.774.4200, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.

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