WILLISTON, N.D. - Those children crawling and poking around Williston State College's front drive at 4 p.m. March 24 (Thursday) will be searching for Easter eggs as Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), Williston State College's honor society, hosts its fourth annual Easter Egg Hunt.
Children up to grade three are welcome to participate in arts and crafts and meet the Easter bunny as they search for eggs. Please remember to dress appropriately for North Dakota weather.
"The Easter Egg Hunt is something the students always get excited about," explained Maren Furuseth, WSC Instructor and PTK Advisor. "We have had a great turnout for the past couple of years, and our students love getting involved with the kids in the community. This is a perfect event for WSC students to have fun while giving back."
Each holiday, PTK donates its time to the community. Williston State's PTK organized a Thanksgiving drive for the Salvation Army, helped set up and tear down the API banquet in November, and hosted a Giving Tree in December for families from the Williston and Watford City Family Crisis Center.
"Our PTK students have been working really hard this semester," Furuseth stated. "We have gained a little over a handful of new members since last semester and we are going to have a big finish with one event each month until graduation."
PTK was founded in 1918 for students with excellent academic standings who attend two-year schools. Williston State College's PTK was formed in 1990 with Loren Haugen and Wanda Meyer as co-advisors.
For more information about PTK contact Justin Sorenson, PTK Advisor, at 701.774.6233 or justin.sorensen@willistonstate.edu.
For any information regarding WSC, please visit www.willistonstate.edu, call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.