Williston, N.D. -WSC's American Government class will be hosting two events, Monday, September 18, to commemorate the signing of the United States Constitution September 17, 1787.
Over half of the American Government class will be volunteering their time for these two service projects. Like years past, students will be handing out pocket-sized copies of the US Constitution to students over lunch (11:30 until 1:30). New to Constitution Day at WSC will be a panel discussion on transgender people in the military.
Community members, veterans and students will make up the panel to discuss the topic for twenty to twenty-five minutes, Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. in Stevens Hall room 114. Local community and military members are encouraged to attend this free event and to ask questions.
"This is an activity for the students to discuss a topic they chose. Though I am in attendance, it's the students who will lead the panel and the evening," stated Richard Stenberg, WSC's Associate Professor of Political Science and History. "If at any time it gets too heated, I will step in. This is not a debate; it is an academic discussion."
The topic was chosen by the class because they felt it was relevant. Several students said that not everyone understands the issue and having a discussion will be helpful.
Student members of the panel have researched both past and present presidential administration's stances on the subject to prepare for the discussion.
"The issues have not been skewed to one side or the other," American Government Student, Julia Christensen, explained. "What we want people to take away from our panel is information. We want people attending to learn things from both sides so they can draw their own conclusions on this controversial subject."
If community members are interested in attending, please arrive early. Seating is limited.
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call 1.888.863.9455, or stop by 1410 University Avenue, Williston, ND.