New Scholarship Structure (Effective Fall Semester, 2025)!
Campus Update 9.11.2020
Posted: Sep 11 2020
It has been a challenging week at Williston State College as we manage our first COVID-19 “cluster” event. First, thank you all for your patience and cooperation as we work to get students through quarantines, deliver face to face and distance instruction, and keep everyone safe. I want to offer a special shout to some folks who have went “above and beyond” this week for students:
- Kit Hernandez and the Housing staff, who have put in countless hours moving students in and out of quarantine and generally making sure they are safe and settled.
- Mary Bowkus and the Aladdin Food Service staff who, aside from serving students in the Teton Grill, have been feeding students while they are in on-campus quarantine.
- Clay Sponable and Campus Services, including all our custodians and maintenance personnel, who have been working daily to clean and sanitize living and learning spaces.
- The Nursing Faculty and Students, who faithfully volunteer every week to assist in the “hot zone” during COVID-19 testing.
As we approach the weekend, I encourage each of you to be aware of where you go and what you do. The COVID-19 virus is insidious and strikes when we are off our guard, so continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands often, and stay away from large groups and gatherings. We share responsibility for the well-being of each other, and each of us, by the choices we make, have a part to play in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Remember, we will once again host a community testing event on the WSC campus Monday, September 14 from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Even if you have been previously tested, I encourage you to stop by and get tested again.
The time and effort you are investing in each other and in the college during a turbulent period at Williston State College truly humbles me. The Teton family is strong, and we will get through this together.
Be smart, be safe, and stay healthy!
John Miller
Williston State College

where the people make the difference