Campus Update 11.18 | Williston State College

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Campus Update 11.18

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Campus Update 11.18

Posted: Nov 18 2020
The following is a message from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller:
Dear Campus Community:
With the issuance of Executive Order 2020-43 from the Governor, please review operational guidelines affecting the WSC campus and WSC events.  While the campus threat level has not changed (Level 3, moderate risk), these are current campus/activity requirements, per Executive Order 2020-43 as well as Level 3 risk management protocols at WSC.
  • Student Life, Community, and Campus events held on campus or in approved off-campus locations are limited to a maximum of 50 persons, with event pre-approval required, contact restrictions, and mask requirements. 
  • No fans are allowed at campus athletic events such as practices, scrimmages, and games/contests scheduled on the WSC campus, the Raymond Center, or the fairgrounds.  For non-participating WSC event personnel, face masks are required.
  • Seating in the Teton Grill is limited to a maximum of 50 persons, with “grab and go” meals available.
  • Individuals travelling or in high-risk environments should participate in weekly static testing events held every Monday on the WSC campus. 
  • Face masks are required in common areas and classrooms, as well as public outdoor settings where social distancing of at least 6 feet is not possible.
Remember:  For face masks to be effective, they must be worn correctly, covering up both mouth and nose.
Post-Thanksgiving and the end of the Semester:  All students, faculty, and staff members who travel away from Williston during the Thanksgiving break are highly encouraged to get tested at the community COVID-19 testing event scheduled for Monday November 30th on the WSC campus.
Classes will continue as scheduled following Thanksgiving Break.  Face-to-Face classes will continue to meet as directed by instructors for the balance of the fall semester.
Given the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in North Dakota, now is not the time to become “COVID fatigued” and stop protecting yourself and others.  Continue to practice social distancing, wear a mask correctly, wash your hands often, and stay away from large groups and gatherings.  We share responsibility for the well-being of each other, and each of us, by the choices we make, have a part to play in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
John Miller
Williston State College Teton Mascot where the people make the difference