Campus Update 10.15 | Williston State College

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Campus Update 10.15

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Campus Update 10.15

Posted: Oct 15 2020
The following is a message from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller:
Dear Campus Community:
With the change yesterday in the ND risk level assessment for Williams County (now classified as a high- risk orange designation), this in turn affects threat levels for the WSC campus.  As of today (10-15-20) the campus threat level is designated as level 3, or moderate risk.  The guidelines for Level 3 operations at WSC, combined with ND Smart Restart guidelines, are as follows:
  • Student Life, Community, and Campus events held on campus are limited to an absolute maximum of 50 persons, with contact restrictions and mask requirements. 
  • No fans are allowed at campus athletic events such as practices, scrimmages, and games/contests scheduled on the WSC campus, the Raymond Center, or the fairgrounds.
  • Seating in the Teton Grill is limited to 75% of capacity or a maximum of 50 persons, with “grab and go” meals available.
  • Temperature screening for individuals in high-risk environments is available (in the athletic department and residence halls).
  • Daily self-assessment based on the CDC COVID-19 symptom checklist is highly encouraged.
  • Individuals in high risk environments should participate in weekly static testing events held every Monday on the WSC campus. 
  • Face covering is required in common areas and classrooms where social distancing of at least 6 feet is not possible.
  • Based on revised face mask guidelines from the DoH and Office of the Governor, bandannas, clear face shields, and gaiters do not provide a “close contact exemption” if worn. All faculty, staff, and students now need to wear a cloth or disposable mask.
  • Influenza vaccinations are available every Friday through November 6th in the Art Wood Building on the WSC campus.
Because of your efforts so far in maintaining social distance, wearing masks, and practicing good hand hygiene, active case totals among students, faculty, and staff remain lower on the WSC campus than in surrounding areas.  Managing the spread of COVID-19 and limiting the number of active cases on campus continues to be the key to maintaining normal operations throughout the fall semester.  We all have a part to play in keeping the WSC campus community healthy and safe.
John Miller
Williston State College
Williston State College Teton Mascot where the people make the difference