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Campus Update - Care19 Alert App
Posted: Aug 24 2020
The following is an update from Williston State College president, Dr. John Miller, on WSC’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19):
Dear Campus Community:
The first week of school is upon us. I want to personally welcome all students, faculty, and staff members back to campus. It is good to see all you Tetons, both old and new. I have a couple of quick thoughts for you:
COVID-19 App for Contact Tracing
Here is another tool to help Tetons reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Care19 Alert is available to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by notifying users of possible COVID-19 exposure while protecting their privacy with technology developed by Apple and Google. I encourage you to view the information below and download the Care19 Alert app. I am using the app and I hope you will too. For more information, visit or
Take Responsibility for Safety
At Williston State College we are all responsible for our own safety and the safety of others. The choices we make on a daily basis about social distancing, wearing facemasks, and staying away from high risk areas and activities are directly related to the college’s ability to remain open and provide face to face instruction and a “live” college experience this fall.
After the college suspended live classes and on-campus activities last spring due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I heard students loud and clear when they said, “we want to attend WSC in person.” Now is the time when all students, faculty, staff members, and visitors can ensure we do just that, by being smart, safe, and considerate of others.
Thank you for your continuing patience and cooperation. The Teton Community is strong and resilient, and I know we will all make it through these challenging times together.
John Miller, Ed.D.
Williston State College

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